Project Description

As part of the project to enhance tropical ecosystems led by Océanopolis, we have developed an interactive device, integrated into the tour of the Tropical Pavilion of Océanopolis, which invites visitors to practice the activity of coral cuttings using with their hands by gesture recognition and to discover a wide range of content to familiarize yourself with corals.
- The solution we have deployed is based on the Unity 3D game engine and the Leap Motion device for hand tracking and user gesture recognition.
- The visitor presents himself in front of a large screen in front of a lectern and is greeted by a 3D avatar animated in motion capture and interacts only with his hands.
- Different media are available for consultation and a game makes it possible to make the visitor aware of the different steps necessary for coral cuttings.
- The device is available in French and in English.
- For this project, we took care of the installation and maintenance on site.
- The application was developed under Unity 3D
- “Les Atelier du Plessis” for the manufacture of furniture