Project Description

Technip FMC
Technip FMC
For its new offices in Rueil Malmaison, Technip wanted to have a device enabling it to manage, distribute and administer all types of multimedia content.
- Development of a software package (touch panel, 3D applications, web administration interface) allowing the distribution and interaction with multimedia content (Videos, powerpoint, images, etc.) or 3D applications on the different screens of the showroom from tactile desks.
- Each desk acts as a remote control allowing the choice of the type of media to be displayed on one of the 3 screens of the Showroom. (including 1 relief screen)
- The 3D applications are controlled via the networked touch panels,
- The panel application has been developed with WPF
- The 3D applications have been developed under Unity 3D
- The administration is done through a web interface developed in HTML / PHP
- Network communication uses Photon